Prosegur ensures the absence of any type of discrimination in its environment, granting special protection to any vulnerable group.
Diversity among employees is promoted and equal opportunities in access to work and career advancement are guaranteed, both within Prosegur, and among its suppliers and collaborating entities. Likewise, it is committed to maintaining a work environment free from harassment, abuse, intimidation or violence.
To this end, Prosegur is developing various initiatives both globally and locally, among which the following are noteworthy:
Empowered Women
We empower women's talent, promote her leadership and boost their careers.
This initiative, launched in Spain in 2021 and which will be extended to all the Company's countries, includes initiatives such as the Empowered Women Scholarships, developed together with the Prosegur Foundation, open to all female employees regardless of their position, or the High Performance Women Programme, an individualised follow-up for women in positions of responsibility.
Women's Month
We gave visibility to the work of our women in Peru. During the month dedicated to professional women in 2021, different activities such as workshops, forums and competitions were held.

At Prosegur we are inclusive
In Chile, we promote open, inclusive and accessible work environments in line with our commitment to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the world of work. Leaders plays an essential role in this.
International Day Against Homophobia and June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month
We give visibility to the LGBTQIA+ community in Brazil and promote respect for all our employees.

Plan for Labour Inclusion
We provide tools to promote the labour insertion of vulnerable people with intellectual disabilities.
Women of Yellow Heart!
Prosegur pays tribute to the great role played by women in our organization within the framework of Women's Day.

Against harassment
Impressive campaign carried out in Peru to benefit all members of the Prosegur family. Supported by multiple other actions such as the Ethical Channel of the company.
“Cada vez +” in Chile
Campaign with the aim of maintaining a respectful environment in Prosegur where employees can feel safe and protected.

The Ethical Channel is available so that employees and interested third parties can communicate, confidentially and anonymously, any irregularity of potential importance in the field of Human Rights, giving specific treatment to all complaints related to aspects of harassment and discrimination. Guaranteeing the legal protection of both the complainant and the channel.
The Sustainability, Corporate Governance and Appointments and Remuneration Committee (SCGARC) supervises and ensures compliance with Prosegur's objectives in terms of diversity and reports to the Board of Directors on issues related to inclusion and gender diversity.